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Keep Your Congregation Engaged with Church AV Equipment


Trust experienced church AV installers and make the experience at your house of worship more memorable!

Have you ever arrived late to church on a busy Sunday, only to be relegated to the back, unable to hear the whole service? While we are definitely not advocating for coming late to church, we don't think anyone in the congregation should be straining to hear what's going on up front. 

Do you find this happening often at your house of worship? No worries! In this blog, we'll explore a few elements that will help you deliver the message properly to every member of your church. Keep reading to find out more.


The Right Speakers

For a good auditory experience, you need more than just high-quality speakers—you need the right positioning. Plus, you should take into consideration that the concepts of voice and music reinforcement are critical. A minister's voice or musician's guitar should be heard evenly and clearly throughout an entire church or hall.

A professional church AV installer can help you choose the right speakers and integrate them into your space, ensuring detailed and clear sound in every area of the room.

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Conference Room Audio Visual Systems Have Come A Long Way


Conference room audio visual systems have finally become a viable option for business meetings. In their infancy video conferences were considered by some to be a sketchy and risky proposition. That is no longer the case. Today's state of the art video conferencing systems incorporate a variety of technological advantages to produce crystal clear audio and video suitable for any meeting or conference environment.

Conference Room Design | Tampa, Florida


Have you ever found yourself seated at one end of a conference table completely unable to hear what's going on at the other end? If you've ever worked in an office, at some time you've probably attended a meeting or conference with poor acoustics, bad temperature controls, a too-small screen, or some other issue that made it difficult to concentrate on the meeting itself. Maybe you've even found yourself fantasizing about how you would fix the room to make it perfect.

HD Video Distribution for your Sports Bar


Sports Entertainment in Bars and Restaurants

The sports entertainment industry has become an integral part of the bar and restaurant experience. With the increasing demand for live sports broadcasts, patrons expect high-quality video displays to watch their favorite teams. Providing a top-notch viewing experience is no longer an added benefit but a necessity to stay competitive. 

Investing in advanced video distribution systems can significantly enhance customer satisfaction, leading to increased foot traffic and longer stays. 

AudioQuest Dragonfly Headphone Amplifier: Portable Music Sound Quality


I am on a constant quest to make my portable music sound better. Unfortunately, that sometimes involves large sums of money or an inconvenience to simplicity of use. However, every once in a while you find a true gem, a diamond amongst the coal that is the modern music listening landscape. The AudioQuest Dragonfly is just that. It’s something that costs very little for the amount it gives in return.

The Ultimate Guide to the Perfect Conference Room AV Installation


Bring the Latest AV Equipment into Your Conference Room for Truly Successful Business Meetings

With so many employees now working remotely, either from home or while on business travels, conference room AV systems have become an increasingly popular tool for modern offices. Conference rooms are now designed not only for face-to-face meetings but also to make the most of virtual meetings! This allows employees outside the office to remain involved in every aspect of the business.

Want to learn more about how you can keep communication flowing and collaboration running smooth among your team? Keep reading our blog to find out!

Crestron Makes Improvements On iPad Tablet Integration


The newest version of the Crestron iPad™ app is available from the iTunes® App Store, where it has been ranked the #1 Top Grossing Lifestyle App. This update includes landscape rotation and gestures navigation on the iPad for both Crestron and Prodigy® control systems. A beautiful graphic template with user-selectable backgrounds designed especially for the iPad is available free from the Crestron website, and there are also infinite possibilities for customization. Dealers can create their own branded designs and clients can enjoy the same look and feel on their iPad as on their Crestron touchpanels thanks to Crestron tablet integration.

How "not" to install a Flat Panel TV | AV Installation


When I'm out and about I often run into poor AV installations. There are many reasons that I would consider the installations poor. Sometimes it's merely an ugly or sloppy installation. More often than not, it's a sloppy installation and also a poorly chosen product. 

Marantz Reference | Sometimes it's just about the music


The best speakers money can buy will never live up to their potential if they are not hooked up to quality components. That is why I am excited about the Marantz product line. Their single philosophy of "Because Music Matters" should tell you all you need to know about the brand. Your Tampa Bay area home audio system will not be complete without Marantz Reference Series components.

Professional AV Installation: What Will It Cost?


Understanding AV Installation Costs

Starting a discussion about AV Installation can feel intimidating, particularly when so many corporate settings are trying to reduce overhead costs. In recent years, there's been a transition from focusing on cost to, instead, focusing on the quality of the system installed.

Setting Up a Home Office the Right Home Way


Without a doubt, setting up a home office can be a pleasure or a chore depending on how one decides to use it. In either case, however, setting it up properly will make it more productive and less stressful in the long run. Here are a few suggestions for setting up your home office in the right manner:

A Professional AV Installer’s Favorite Music for Testing a Sound System, Part 2


An Update to My Favorite Music for Evaluating a System

A while back I wrote a blog about my favorite music to listen to when evaluating a system. I decided that though many of those CD's are still so awesome to hear, I've felt that I had so much more to add to the list. As stated in the last article, being a professional AV installer is kind of cool. Everyone is always bringing in music and saying things like listen to this or that. Or, you need to hear what these sound like. Or, check these out and listen to the difference, or something along those lines. At trade shows people are always playing what they think really shows off their systems. From the various trade shows I've often heard and learned about some good music I didn't already know. Even including tracks from artists like Beck and Dianna Krall that I did know. One of the CD's that is on this list was brought in by my AudioQuest representative.

Audio Video Installation Clearwater | Tampa


At AV Specialists we do audio video installation in the Clearwater, Tampa at St. Petersburg, Florida area. As the owner of an AV design and installation business, I am often surprised by the amount of really bad workmanship I see in my travels. Sometimes it amazes me that contractors actually get paid when I see what their jobs look like.

It's not uncommon to see cables hanging from the TV instead of being neatly zip tied together. I also often see TV's that are not hung straight and you can obviously see that they are mounted on a tilt. 

AV Installation | Things you should consider before purchasing a TV


There are a few things to consider here. One is how far you are going to be sitting away from the display. That's pretty easy to figure with a simple formula. It's also important that the TV looks good, wherever you decide to have mounted. A large screen TV can be made to look very small on a long blank wall. The opposite of this is also true. A relatively small 32" TV can look monstrous and out of place on top of a small dresser or cabinet. If you have enough room and can sit a reasonable distance from the display, buy the largest screen size you can. I have never had a single customer want to switch to a smaller TV. I have had many that later wished they’d have gone larger. This rule does not apply the same when applied to projector.

AV Integration | What to consider at your business


When it comes to your business, your office workplace is a direct reflection of who you are and how you conduct business. To that end, you will always want to project the best possible appearance to current and prospective clients. This means giving your staff the tools they need to excel if you want your business to grow.

Newest Must Have - The Huddle Room


It's not a Boardroom (too elaborate), it's not a Conference Room (too big), it's a Huddle Room. A huddle room is the name that's been given to a small meeting room where a lot of the "real" work at the job actually gets done.

How Electronic Interactive Whiteboards Are Changing Business


Gone are the days of the traditional dry erase board. Electronic whiteboards are increasingly making their way into boardrooms and conference centers. The touch screen technology found in most interactive whiteboards on the market today allows the meeting presenter to capture feedback and update meeting content with the touch of a finger. Today’s whiteboards are far more useful and allow you to enhance your conference room audiovisual experience.

Cath Lab and Operating Room AV


The medical field demands the very best technology. While this need is most pronounced in diagnostic and treatment equipment, it is also crucial in the area of communication. The right cath lab and operating room AV can provide a host of specific benefits that will help ensure that the patients receive the very best of care. Here's how:

Control4 | Why we're so exited about it, Why its not just apps


It’s been a long time since we’ve been this excited about a new product around here. However Control4 is one of those products, that the more you learn about the Control4 system the more you love it. I know you’re probably saying to yourself, what’s the big deal there certainly is no shortage of remote control products out there. Especially these days. And.. if you said that you would be correct. These days there are apps for smart phones, there are cheap poorly conceived products (ie ones that begin with an H or L), and then there are the big names that have been long established in the AV industry. However in many ways Contro4 is different and it’s different than each of those categories list above in different ways.

Managing Your Music Collection


Your music collection is a long standing thing - you curate it, it defines you. Because you aim to keep your music collection a long time, it's worth investing in making it more usable, maintainable and secure.
