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Improve Your Tampa Home with Smart Home Automation


Why You Should Add Lighting Control to Your Smart Home

Have you been considering turning your Tampa, Florida home into a “smart home”? If so, you’ve probably looked into all the ways to upgrade the different aspects of your home: HVAC, smart security, home audio video…the list goes on. Here at AV Specialists, we believe lighting control is a great starting point for smart home automation. Continue reading to learn why.

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5 Things You Can Do With Motorized Shades


Add Motorized Shades to Your Smart Home Automation System

The modern smart home can do so many things. You can control the lights throughout your home, adjust the volume on all televisions simultaneously, and access real-time surveillance footage while you’re halfway around the world, to name a few. So how do motorized shades fit into your Belleair, FL smart home? Keep reading to learn how smart shades can make your life easier and more comfortable.

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How to Keep Your Home Cool with Motorized Shades

How to Keep Your Home Cool with Motorized Shades

A Smart Way to Cut Down Your Energy Bill Each Month

Ah, Florida. The fun weekends at the beach and snow-free winters come at a cost: blazing hot summers. If you’ve resigned yourself to paying ridiculously high energy bills each month to keep from breaking out into a sweat in your home, we have some good news for you. Here it is: your smart home automation system can help reduce your energy bill and cool down your home during these summer months. The key to cooler summer months lies in motorized shades. Whether you’re in Palm Harbor, Clearwater, or another Tampa area, you’ll want to keep reading to learn how this smart technology works.

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