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Can Your Building Benefit From Acoustic Treatment?


The Answer Is Yes, It Probably Can

In the second video the slap back is greatly reduced. Conversation is easier to understand and the room feels better and more quiet. This was accomplished with only 16 panels per side wall. The panels are the standard 24”x 48” panels and are only 1” thick. These are the wave panels from ProSoCoustic.

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How to Improve Noise Levels in Open Concept Business Spaces


Sound Masking Can Make Your Tampa Office More Efficient

As anyone who works in an open concept office knows, noise can make it incredibly difficult to get anything done. From coworkers chatting in a nearby cubicle to office machinery running throughout the day, noise tends to run rampant in businesses. If you’ve grown to accept high noise levels in your Florida office as a fact of life, then this information is for you. Keep reading to learn about sound masking and how you can use it to easily get noise down to a healthy level.

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