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Conference Room Technology


We’re not in Kansas Anymore

Remember the moment when Dorothy first saw the Land of Oz? If you've ever seen the 1939 movie The Wizard of Oz, it's a moment that's probably etched in your mind forever - the moment when Judy Garland looks around wide-eyed and says, "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore!"

That sense of amazement and surprise is something everyone can relate to - especially those who have experienced the changes taking place in today's world of conference room technology and audio visual equipment. What kind of changes are we talking about? Well there's the...

Changing Atmosphere

From coast to coast, conference and event centers are giving their existing conference spaces radical makeovers and building new and unusual ones. What kind of changes are they making?

  • Many are making changes in the setting. Instead of the traditional classroom-type setting, many are choosing to create an atmosphere that's a bit more relaxed.
  • Some are making changes in the technology. For example, large flatscreen TVs are becoming more frequent than traditional projection screens.
  • Others are blurring the lines between indoors and outdoors. Some have done this by installing an indoor/outdoor audiovisual system so people and program segments can move seamlessly from the conference room itself to an adjoining terrace and back again. Others have accomplished it by dispensing with opaque walls altogether. 

In other words, today's conference spaces are beginning to look as different from yesterday's spaces as the Land of Oz does from the state of Kansas.

Changing Program

The appearance of the meeting spaces isn't the only thing that's changing in conference room technology. Thanks to advances in technology, the conferences themselves are changing as well. How?

  • Many are now being streamed live or recorded for later access so that those who couldn't be present physically can still experience it. 
  • A few are "flying someone in" without a plane by streaming a speaker's presentation from wherever he happens to be - be it another state or another country. 
  • Some are conducting digital surveys and sharing the results before the session ends. 
  • Others are ...... well, the options are pretty much endless. 

How popular are virtual components like these becoming? Respondents to one survey say they're becoming very popular and are expected to play an increasingly important part in the conference events of tomorrow.

Change Marches On 

Not only are virtual components expected to play an increasingly important part in conference events, they're also expected to play a larger role in regular, run-of-the-mill business meetings and boardrooms as well - so much so that one survey predicts most boardrooms will be fully digitally equipped by as early as next year. What kinds of conference room technologyare we likely to see included?

  • With more and more people working away from the office, remote conferencing technologies for their meetings are sure to become a must for many businesses. 
  • A growing desire for better meeting performances will probably spark many to invest in better audio reproduction systems and presentation tools. 
  • As more people make use of mobile devices like laptops, tablets and smartphones during a meeting, more robust wireless technology will also be needed. 

According to the survey mentioned above, almost half of the respondents believe that taking the time to invest in new audio visual equipment along these lines will result in better meeting dynamics overall. Obviously the winds of change are blowing strongly in the world of conference room technology - almost as strongly as those of the cyclone that took Dorothy to Oz. Where we'll eventually land is anyone's guess; but the ride is sure to be an amazing one.

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